I had a dream that I was with my sister in a room. There were two beds in the room. We were talking about which way to put the bed. There were other people in the room too. I saw several ways to put the bed. I also called a man that I knew in the dream, he answered but I didn't say anything, then he called back. After that I saw myself giving some jewish kids that I used to babysit flan. I had the flan on a table, I saw myself cutting it so hard that I scratched the table.
This dream may symbolize your current state of decision-making or indecisiveness in your waking life. The presence of your sister and other people in the room suggest that you may be seeking guidance or input from others in your life. The different ways you saw the bed being placed could represent different options or paths that you are considering in your life. The man you called but did not speak to could represent a potential opportunity or relationship that you are hesitant to pursue. The scene with the Jewish kids and the flan may represent nurturing and caring for others, but the act of cutting the flan so hard that you scratched the table may suggest that you could be unintentionally damaging or harmful in your efforts to help others. Overall, this dream could be urging you to take your time in making important decisions and to be mindful of how your actions can affect those around you.